Thursday, April 3, 2008

Gecko Issues

We've been busy as always, Anthony is going to Texas tomorrow for some training for three weeks. It's the first time we've been apart in over a year. It's weird thinking about that. But he has been trying to get so many of our tasks done before he leaves to make it easier on me, so sweet! He put up a fence in the back yard so the girls can run like crazy and not stray into the street. It was a big task, but he did it. Last night we went to pick up a shed for our bikes and lawn mower. When we were breaking it down to fit in the car we found a large gecko. Large I mean, 3 inches long. I took it back to the car to show the girls. Andi petted it which encouraged Sierra to try it herself. But she must have smelled too sweet because the gecko bit her on the finger. I couldn't stop laughing at her reaction. The gecko doesn't have teeth, and it didn't leave a mark, but she was so freaked out. For the rest of the evening she couldn't stop talking about the "ecko" that scared her and bit her on the "fener." I can't imagine the complexes she's going to have later on in life! :P


Ashley said...

That is so cute! Wow you are encountering many different things there in Japan that we here dont get to see.

Anonymous said...

It's fun to hear your stories. I was just watching a national geographic show about fish from Asia being smuggled into America. It made me think of my cousins across the seas. So I came to read your blog. Good to hear from you.

Beth said...

I love the updates. Stories are so fun to hear and then help me feel like you aren't so far away.